親愛的同學,大家好: 「暑期課程需求調查系統」開放囉!(網址:https://reurl.cc/zlnoy) 應屆畢(結)業生未達畢(結)業門檻、或有必修科目不及格、或轉學(轉系)及修習輔系、雙主修與跨領域學程,需重(補)修課程者,建議於暑假期間安排課程修習,以加強學習效果,順利取得課程學分。 有暑修需求的同學,請上網填寫需求課程名稱等資料(即日起開放至114年3月28日止),俾利提供予開課單位參考,惟相關開課作業應依本校「暑期開班授課實施辦法」辦理。 (辦法網址:https://aa.ndhu.edu.tw/p/406-1004-14805,r5136.php) 教務處課務組 敬啟 【NDHU】2025 Summer courses survey Dear Students, The summer course survey system is ready for use! ( https://reurl.cc/zlnoy ) We are planning to provide more courses for the coming summer vacation in order for you to have flexible arrangements: meet graduation requirements, take credits to obtain a minor/double major, retake subjects or satisfy the degree requirement. We strongly recommend you to take summer courses. Please take a moment to fill out the “Summer Courses Survey” by 28th of March. Let us know your needs and the information that you provide will help departments schedule their summer programs. Note: Summer courses offerings are under the rules of NDHU summer. courses regulations (https://aa.ndhu.edu.tw/p/406-1004-14805,r5136.php). Best Regards, Division of Curriculum, Academic Affairs, National Dong Hwa University