The schedule for the course selection is as follows.
Please notice the periods for each event.
1.網路退選(只退不選):2月17日(一)中午12:30至 2月18日(二)中午12:30止
Online drop courses (DROP COURSES ONLY):12:30 p.m. Feb. 17. - 12:30 p.m. Feb. 18.
2.加退選時間:2月18日(二)中午12:30至 2月25日(二)中午12:30止
Online add/drop courses:12:30 p.m. Feb. 18. - 12:30 p.m. Feb. 25.
3.加簽時間:2月27日(四)上午08:00至 3月7日(五)晚上23:59止
Add course requests:08:00 a.m. Feb. 27. - 23:59 p.m. Mar. 7.
4.加選學分費繳費:3月28日(五) 至4月16日(三)止
Payment for extra credits fee due to add course:Mar. 28. – Apr. 16.
113-2 網路加退選將於 2月25日(二)中午12:30結束,
Online Add/Drop courses will end at 12:30 p.m. Feb. 25.
Submission will be closed after the scheduled time.
Students must on schedule drop the courses with the following situations: the course period overlapped with those under add course request, or unqualified for the course request.
※Please refer only to【Course selection system】for your courses registration consequence.
教務處課務組Curriculum Division